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Biblical Mapping
with The Tabernacle of the Heavens

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God's speech about his purpose in Christ for people and his present creation, as always cohesive revelation [2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:20-21], can be mapped in time and space within the parameters of the current tabernacle of the heavens [Heb 8:1-6]. Incohesive hearing of God's speech arises when heavenly truth is flattened and replaced either by escalated or isolated, earthly, religious elements that are disconnected truth from their heavenly reality. Errant claims about God's speech are often worked out on an earth-centric, spatial background-field with limited heavenly access for people. Further, these alternative religious assertions by false prophets, biblically so-called, fall under the rejected teaching of Babylon [Rev 17-18]. Since people cannot sense the realm of heaven contained in the descriptions of God's promises in Christ [1 Cor 2:6-16], God reveals the spatial way and life of heavenly truth through his Spirit by direct prophecy, analogy, and typology in outlines, shadows, parables, visions, antitypes, and images. These methods of revelation are developed in   Mapping Section 4: First-century, Aion-Field [apocalyptic], Temple-of-the-Heavens Based, Background Revelation.

Visible Kosmos

Chart numbers on the visual maps below provide links to sections of important conversation within the biblical narrative, which for complete hearing, must include God's response to  sin by the devil.  His sin necessitates God's construction of the present, dark, separated creation in a temporary temple of the heavens or kingdom of the heavens design in current levels of holiness of people and other creations across all visible and invisible creation [Eph 6:12; Col 1:13; Heb 2:14-15]. The interactive, numbered mapping sections also highlight the above listed forms of God's revelation about his will and purpose to bring people to himself in heaven by repentance of sin and faith in his provision of atonement for sin by himself as Christ.

Hear God's Speech

One should begin study with   Biblical Mapping Section 1: The Past and Present Ministry of Jesus as the Christ , as this mapping section provides the foundation necessary for biblical understanding of God's speech about the ministry of Christ in the true, unseen heavens [Heb 8:1-6]. Accurate hearing of God's speech understands that his goal for this creation features bringing people to himself into heaven at death and judgment by the ability of the Son as the Christ [1 Thess 2:20; Heb 9:27-28]. However, many false religious teachers claim that God is only coming here in a later delayed ministry to renew this world to edenic conditions, as they strive with one another over preeminence in power, lust, and worldly position [Matt 24:4-14]. This site attempts to explain the auditory differences as to why heavenly hope by faith in Jesus as the Christ is better [Phil 1:21-23; Heb 11:16].

This biblical mapping conversation, based on the foundation of the ministry of Christ, is written for both lay people and those theologically educated. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek has either glosses or English translations to assist learning. Technical language material in scholarly publication usually is explained. Be aware that the theological or philosophical quotations of men carry very little weight in the conversation of this ministry in comparison to the actual hearing of God's speech in his Word. The attempt herein purposely aims to avoid the conversation and philosophical language traditions of men to focus mainly on proposed proper conversation from learning to hear the speech of God in his own words and concepts [Col 2:8]. Until a believer hears God's speech in God's ways, it really does not matter what another person says. For example, Jesus told each of the seven churches in Asia, of which five were told to "...repent...or else...," "...hear what the Spirit says to the churches" [Rev 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22]. Further, God corrected the errant focus on the building of tabernacles for worship at Jesus's transfiguration by stating, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” [Matt 17:5]. Believers are often more focused on what other believers say or the material aspects of the needs/wants of meeting in assembly to feel-experience worship--than listening to God himself.

As a customary matter, PDF written scholarly papers linked for teaching here do interact with the views of people. Pay close attention to the footnotes for important clarification with claims of others but maintain overall focus on what God is saying more than what others are saying about God's Word. For other housekeeping regarding Hebrews, in PDF papers the word Auctor, as German for English "author," serves as shorthand for better glosses of either "the Pastor" or "the author of Hebrews." Further, if you navigate to a link to read suggested material, either the "Go Back!" button or your browser return arrow will restore to the previous window location.


Biblical Mapping of the Past, Present, and Future

Ministry of Christ

Point Locations and Motion Segments
of the Ministry of Christ

Jesus and other NT writers share movement segments and topological, geographic points of location about God's normative journey through the heavens both before and after death with burial of the flesh. The event segments below illustrate in the video renderings to follow for assistance in understanding the ministry of Christ to people.

Event--------Segment---------Form----------Status in Total Ministry of Christ
  1.       ----Heaven--------------Spirit----------Prophetic promise by God and OT revelation.

  2.       Heaven to kosmos[1]---Flesh---------Son of Man born in flesh after conception by virgin Mary and Holy Spirit.

  3.       A: kosmos to Heaven--Spirit---------Son of Man in flesh dies with completion of atonement on the cross followed by being born in Spirit and transformation, with normative rising of the dead to God just as all people.
  1.       B: kosmos to Grave-----Flesh---------Son of Man in flesh dies with burial of flesh in tomb.
  1.       ----Heaven--------------Spirit----------Son of Man enthroned as first person rising from the dead to God's presence in Holy of Holies. He leads his brethren and presents them to God.

  2.       ---Grave to kosmos-----Flesh----------Son of Man rises from the dead in flesh as visible, earthly sign of priestly completed atonement. Since events 2a and 3 could not be sensed on earth, proof of events 2a and 3 establish evidence by resuscitation and resurrection of the Jesus's flesh. As patterned after the OT Tabernacle Law, after entering the Holy of Holies, he lived and came out to be seen by the people.

  3.       ---kosmos to Heaven--Flesh/Spirit----:Son of Man ascends to throne to continue present ministry at people's deaths. He intercedes for those with repentance and faith as shepherd to bring them to God. He casts those who did not receive his purification of sin into outer darkness.

  4.       ---Heaven to kosmos----Flesh----------Son of Man descends to kosmos for living believers at second coming.

  5.       ----kosmos to New-------Spirit---------Son of Man moves to New Heaven and Earth.
[1] The Greek referent kosmos usually correctly translates as cosmos, world, or universe [cf. PDF Dissertation, p. 5-7]. Biblically, it semantically refers to creation outside of heaven that is beyond the Gates of Hades in the current, temporary dark-creation without God's light and close presence. Kosmos never refers to the invisible, eternal-place heaven. It is paired with heaven as a distinct place [cf. PDF Dissertation, p. 195-99]. This pairing often attests to a tabernacle/Temple organization in separate areas of holiness. A tabernacle or Temple symbolically shares with participants and onlookers how to approach divinity.


[Event 0-1] - Movement of Christ - Spirit Preexistence in Heaven, Promise to Earth, Earthly Preperation,
Presentation in Earthly Birth - Creator for Immeasurable Time


[Event 2A; 3] - Movement of Christ - Kosmos to Heaven - Death,
Transformation, Approach, Enter, Enthronement


[Event 2B; 4] - Movement of Christ - Heaven to Kosmos - Sign of Flesh Resuscitation/Resurrection That Atonement Complete


[Event 5]-Movement of Christ-Kosmos to Heaven - Ascension for Shepherd Ministry for People at Death


[Event 6] - Movement of Christ - Heaven to Kosmos - Second Coming for Living and Harvest with Rule


Biblical Mapping of the Revelation of Jesus as the Christ


Full List of Biblical Mapping Section Conversations

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